Friday, April 18, 2014

Whisky galore! (1949)

The English Ealing comedy classics are not exactly my cup of tea. But if a drop of whisky, or an entire dram is mixed with the tea, it's hard to resist the offering. It might seem scornful to call a film cute but Whisky galore! is a cute film in the best sense of the word. The story is sympathetic and so is everything else about this film. WWII is raging. Scottish islanders save a ship containing countless boxes of whisky from a sinking ship. A life-saving excursion as the ration of whisky had just recently run out. The authorities are out to get them but the inhabitants are clever bastards who treasure their secret well. The build-up of the whole thing and the story about defiance against the authorities might not be anything out of the ordinary but the way the film good-humorously centers on the islanders' love for the water of life is simply quite heart-warming. Cheers to that. What also needs to be mentioned is that the film takes place on the outer Hebrides, one of the most stunning places I've visited in my entire life. Whisky galore is, as you might expect, also a beautiful film.

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