Saturday, September 25, 2010

Le Mépris (1963)

I have a principle. Now and then, I try to watch movies I don't like. This is not yet another pang of masochism (or not only that). I want to learn stuff about film. This implies watching films that I, for different reasons, "don't like". Godard, of course, is a director for whom I have not-quite warm feelings. I try to suppress those reactions whenever I watch yet another Godard movie, but with faint results. His films are interesting, but they bug me.

And here we are; Brigitte Bardot's well-shaped ass; sarcastic meta-comments about women's asses on film (soooo conscious of how women are objectified in film); meandering, never-ending conversations (do you love me / no / yes / I despise you / forget what I just said); beautiful scenery; Men and Women, Women and Men, homme & femme; some tricky effects, ha, ha, get it; snazzy (anti-)culture references; snazzy references to trash culture & high art; art-ificiality (a blue screen! music that stops and continues and stops! intentional 'errors'! film-in-film!); blue-eyed, ominous-looking statues (great shots). Beyond this - beyond everything: Fritz Lang. If Godard had filmed F. Lang doing random things (including quoting Hölderlin) for 1 ½ hour (no shit about women's asses) I would have adored this film. Lang's performance was top-notch and saved this from bugsville. Lang was fun.

BTW: the only essential question posed about this film: "Doesn't Prokosch look like David Hasselhoff?"

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