Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dazed and Confused (1993)

Dazed and Confused (Richard Linklater) is a very 90's film about the 70's. Last days of school / bullies / loud music / kids who rebel against boring football coaches or parents. This film was nothing out of the ordinary, its portrayal of the restlessness of youth following the usual patterns of similarly themed films. But yes, it was an energetic movie and no, it is not overly condescending or moralizing. Kids are kids are kids. What caught my eye was the scenes where younger kids are bullied by older youths. Here, the director is onto something in his portrayal of collective attitudes where cruelty is laughed away as "just a prank". But in general, Linklater is concerned more about Cool than about capturing the traumas of teenagers, so this is a movie for whiling away a few hours and thinking wistfully about ... beer and stuff.

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