Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tank Girl (1995)

Tank girl is based on a comic book and this is employed to great effects in this feminist action movie. One may not be tempted to make a philosophical analysis of the plot (even though a tank is named KANT) but that does not make it a bad film. Brainless - yes, intentionally so. Malcolm McDowell plays the bad guy in control of the company Water & Power. The story, set in 2033, takes place in a world of drought where water is a scarce resource. The bad company can exert some power, killing people who in any way threaten business, for example. But there is resistance... The film: tough girls, mutant kangaroos, humorous visuals, cartoonish violence, 90's music, a strange scene involving a Cole Porter song. I haven't read the comic book, so I can't compare, but I strongly suspect that they have made both the characters and the plot more suitable for mainstream audiences.

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